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Minimally Invasive Relief from Chronic Low Back Pain in Charlotte NC

Chronic Low Back Pain

As Dr. Natalie Otoya, a chiropractor with over 10 years of experience in Charlotte, NC, I am dedicated to providing effective, minimally invasive back pain relief to my patients. In this blog post, I will discuss various nonpharmacologic treatment options for chronic low back pain, incorporating my expertise and the treatments available at Simply Move Chiropractic.

Chronic low back pain is a common condition affecting a significant portion of the population. It can be debilitating, impacting daily activities and quality of life. While medications and surgery are often considered, nonpharmacologic treatments are gaining popularity due to their effectiveness and minimal side effects.

Spinal Manipulation and Low Back Pain

One such treatment is spinal manipulation, a core component of chiropractic care. Spinal manipulation involves applying controlled force to the spine to improve function and reduce pain. I use this technique to address areas of the spine that may suffer from a lack of movement. Adjusting or manipulating the joint can improve mobility, which can significantly alleviate back pain.

Exercise Therapy

Exercise therapy is another crucial aspect of managing chronic low back pain. I often recommend specific exercises tailored to each patient’s needs. These exercises focus on strengthening the core muscles, improving flexibility, and enhancing overall physical fitness. By incorporating exercise into your routine, you can reduce pain and prevent future episodes. 

I stress to my patients that I can only do so much in the time we have in my office. Being consistent with my prescribed, at-home exercises is key to long term relief. My patients who are most consistent with their exercises also tend to be the ones I see least often in my office. 

Dry Needle Therapy

Dry needle therapy, similar to acupuncture, is another technique I use at Simply Move Chiropractic. This treatment involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to release muscle tension and improve blood flow. Many patients find dry needle therapy to be an effective way to alleviate back pain.


In addition to spinal manipulation and exercise therapy, I also offer other treatments such as cold laser therapy, ultrasound, and heat/cold therapy. Cold laser therapy uses low-level lasers to stimulate healing and reduce inflammation. Ultrasound therapy employs sound waves to promote tissue healing and reduce pain. Heat and cold therapy are simple yet effective methods to relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms.

Patient Education

Patient education and self-care are also integral parts of managing chronic low back pain. I believe in empowering my patients with knowledge about their condition and providing guidance on lifestyle modifications that can reduce pain and improve overall well-being. This includes ergonomic advice, posture improvement, and stress management techniques.


At Simply Move Chiropractic, my approach to treating chronic low back pain is holistic and patient-centered. I focus on understanding each patient’s unique situation and developing a personalized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs. My goal is to provide minimally invasive, effective solutions for back pain relief, helping my patients in Charlotte lead healthier, more comfortable lives.

If you’re struggling with chronic low back pain and seeking minimally invasive relief options, I invite you to visit Simply Move Chiropractic. Together, we can work towards managing your pain and improving your quality of life through safe, effective, and personalized chiropractic care.

Remember, chronic low back pain doesn’t have to control your life. With the right combination of nonpharmacologic treatments, education, and self-care, you can achieve lasting relief and get back to enjoying the activities you love.